Jeffrey Brown | Impulse Model Global Advisor and Supporter

Jeffrey D. Brown is the Impulse Model Global Advisor and Supporter for Impulse NGO Network. He is also an American film and television director, film producer and screenwriter. He is best known for the directing, producing and writing the short film Molly’s Pilgrim for which he won an Academy Award in 1986 for Best Live Action Short Film

Jeffrey Brown Impulse Model Global Advisor and Supporter

Jeffrey Brown Impulse Model Global Advisor and Supporter

Jeffrey is an Academy, Emmy winner. SOLD, his directorial feature film debut stars, Gillian Anderson, David Arquette, Seema Biswas, Susmita Mukerjee, and Ankur Vikal.

SOLD has won five audience awards and two jury awards. It was shown by the UNODC and IOM in 30 countries, opened 9 film festivals as the opening film, and was shown at the Nobel Peace Conference and the Trust Women Conference.  Many organizations have used SOLD to fundraise for their work to end human trafficking and to help victims.  Many schools were rebuilt-in Nepal after the earthquake as a result. Also, 50 human trafficking survivors ( 25 in Nepal and 25 in India)  were trained to heal PTSD in other survivors.

Our Board of Advisors:

Jeffrey Brown Global Advisor Impulse Model
Govind Thapa Impulse Model Policy Advisor Nepal
Rallyan Mone Impulse Model Policy Advisor Myanmar