A Report on PRA/Focus Group Discussion in 16 Localities of Shillong (2004)

Participatory Rural Appraisal on Water and Sanitation in ShillongThe Shillong Urban Water Supply Environmental and Sanitation Project is part of a wider program aimed at improving water supply and environmental sanitation conditions in Shillong’s urban area.

This research conducted a participatory rural appraisal (PRA) and focus-group discussions (FGDs) in 16 localities of Shillong with the purpose that the findings would be used by the supporting agencies to conserve and manage fresh water sources as well as to promote sanitation and hygiene.

A total of 884 participants participated in the discussions: 204 men, 326 women, and 354 children.

To know more, or read the full report, please write to us.

Sponsored by: Shillong Urban Water Supply Environmental, and Sanitation Project KBR (AUSAID) – a result of co-operation between the Governments of Australia, India, and the State of Meghalaya.

Other Research and Reports by Impulse NGO Network

Need Assessment Study - Women's Helpline Shillong
Report on Child Labour in the Mines of Meghalaya 2011
Participatory Rural Appraisal on Water and Sanitation in Shillong