An Exploratory Study of Children Engaged in Rat-Hole Mining in the Coal Mines of Jaintia Hills District, Meghalaya (2010)

An Exploratory Study of Children Engaged in Rat Hole Mining in tThe research was designed to profile child labourers in and around the mines of Jaintia Hills, district of Meghalaya.

In sum, 200 child labourers working at the coal mines of Jaintia Hills were interviewed by a team of field researchers who made daily commutes to the mining sites during a 5 day period.

The research recommends that case follow ups should be undertaken to confirm the nature of each child’s situation and to plan future actions in the best interests and wishes of all target children.

The findings presented were used to take informed decisions on how to proceed with local intervention planning, to prevent and tackle child labour.

To know more, or read the full report, please write to us.

Sponsored by:  Aide et Action, Guwahati Regional Office.

Other Research and Reports by Impulse NGO Network

Research on Girl Child Labour
Impulse Investigation on Child Trafficking in Jaintia Hills-Coal Mines
An Exploratory Study of Children Engaged in Rat hole Mining
Research Report on Child Labour