A remarkable, enriching learning experience!
To begin with, I did not realise my six weeks of internship days had passed so quickly and had come to a closure and here I am now writing about my experience at Impulse NGO Network.
To commence with it has been a remarkable experience. The six weeks spent at the organisation has been an enriching journey but all this would not have been made possible without the constant support, assistance of my Supervisors, other staff members right from the lady who cleaned the rooms ensuring a healthy, tidy work environment to other staffs who despite their tight working schedules had provided with their constant assistance to me, volunteers and of course with my other internship mates.
Every day here has been a new learning experience with continuous sharing of ideas and concepts, which made it all the more exciting and challenging at times. With so much to take from this experience, I hope I will be able to put best use of the knowledge and ideas which I have grasped over my period of internship at Impulse NGO Network, Shillong.
So with this I would like to give a vote of thanks, to Ms Hasina Kharbhih Chair Of Board for her continuous support and guidance, to Emarine Kharbhih for her supervision, to Bariphylla Lyttan and Thechano Yanthan for their constant assistance, to Maitreya Shakya for keeping a check on the office affairs and the interns and last but definitely not the least and this is for the Juggernaut, the Organisation which for the past 23 years have been engaged in doing a phenomenal work in the field of human trafficking, rescuing the victims and fighting to provide them with justice.
Internship Period: June 2016 - July 2016
Impulse NGO Network
Vivek Chhetri
M.A. Labour Studies & Social Protection, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS)
